Životni stil

Šta treba uraditi s maskom prije nego je bacimo?

Odbačene maske na ulici, u parku, u rijekama, svuda naokolo, ružna su slika koju sve više viđamo otkad je korona s nama. Jasno je da treba da pripazimo gdje ih bacamo, ali vrlo je važno i šta treba da uradimo prije nego što masku bacimo.

Društvenim mrežama kruži apel svima koji ne paze dovoljno i ne misle koliko štete može da učini jednokratna maska koju bace.


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⚠️URGENT ISSUE RIGHT NOW⚠️ A lot of us are using disposable face masks right now, but what do you do with it afterwards? Please make sure you cut the straps and dispose of your masks properly because sadly our wildlife and environment are suffering due to this new form of pollution and it’s absolutely heartbreaking to see these masks littering too many of our beaches/oceans/rivers and birds/animals/marine life getting tangled in them! Please share this important post with your followers and tag people, celebrities, influencers and news media who need to see it so they can share too & let’s all spread awareness about this URGENT issue so less animals are injured/killed by these masks! Animation by @swon.studios & photos by @seekthetruth @southessexwildlife #stoplittering #ppe #masks #karmagawa #savethereef

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Naime, potresne fotografije pokazuju kako se ptice i druge životinje lako upetljaju u vrpce s maski koje stavljamo oko ušiju.

To ih onda lako povrijedi, a mnoge su baš zbog toga i uginule.

Zato jedan mali potez može mnogo da znači.