Šarena planeta

Oboren rekord: On je skupio milion pratilaca na Instagramu za 4 sata i 44 minute

Novi rekord skupljanja pratitelja na Instagramu je oboren. Sir David Attenborough pridružio se Instagramu prije dva dana, a prvih milion pratilaca skupio je za nevjerovatna četiri sata i 44 minute.

Time je srušio rekord glumice Jennifer Aniston koja je na Instagram stigla u oktobru prošle godine i milion pratilaca skupila za pet sati i 16 minuta.


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David Attenborough has spent a lifetime travelling, exploring the wild places of our planet and documenting the living world in all its variety and wonder. He’s also witnessed the damaged caused. Saving our planet is now a communications challenge. We know what to do, we just need the will. That’s why we want to share this message on Instagram. Because there is hope and together, we can inspire change. Social media isn’t David’s usual habitat so while he’s recorded messages solely for Instagram, like the one in this post, we're helping to run this account. In case you’re wondering, ‘we’ are Jonnie and Colin and we worked with David on A Life On Our Planet. So, as well as sharing the messages he’s recorded especially for this account we’ll also post some exclusive clips and behind the scenes content. Stay tuned.

A post shared by A Life On Our Planet (@davidattenborough) on

Slavni televizijski voditelj i prirodoslovac otvorio je u četvrtak profil na Instagramu, rekavši kako je odlučio koristiti se tom društvenom mrežom da bi pomogao "svijetu u nevolji".

"Odlučio sam se na taj korak i istražiti novi oblik komunikacije jer je, kao što svi znamo, svijet u nevolji", rekao je Attenborough (94) u svom prvom objavljenom videu.

"Kontinenti gore, ledenjaci se otapaju, koraljni grebeni umiru, ribe nestaju iz naših oceana. Ta lista ide dalje", dodao je.

"No znamo što treba učiniti u vezi s time. Idućih sedmica objavljivat ću poruke kako bih objasnio koji su problemi i kako ih možemo riješiti", dodao je.

Profilom upravljaju producenti njegova nedavnog filma A life on our planet, koji iduće sedmice stiže u kina.

Dva dana po otvaranju Instagrama skupio je 4 miliona ljudi.


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David Attenborough has spent a lifetime travelling, exploring the wild places of our planet and documenting the living world in all its variety and wonder. He’s also witnessed the damaged caused. Saving our planet is now a communications challenge. We know what to do, we just need the will. That’s why we want to share this message on Instagram. Because there is hope and together, we can inspire change. Social media isn’t David’s usual habitat so while he’s recorded messages solely for Instagram, like the one in this post, we're helping to run this account. In case you’re wondering, ‘we’ are Jonnie and Colin and we worked with David on A Life On Our Planet. So, as well as sharing the messages he’s recorded especially for this account we’ll also post some exclusive clips and behind the scenes content. Stay tuned.

A post shared by A Life On Our Planet (@davidattenborough) on